We Also Support Victims of Unfair Wage And Parental Family Alienation
The "We Also" movement was founded in August and launched on 8/28 of 2019 to help survivors of unfair parenting gender discrimination, particularly against the wage earner during a divorce. "We Also" will strive to protect a TARGETED PARENT’s ability to foster their child and preserve our children's mental health.
The "We Also" vision is addressing the global misuse of judicial power within our legal system involving parent guardianship outcome.
"We Also" want to end cruel and one-sided Parental Alienation, and STOP TARGETED BLOCKING during the divorce uncoupling process. Survivors at the "We Also" forefront are actively igniting consciousness towards changing and finding solutions to interrupt and STOP the CORRUPTION and misconduct of a targeted parent or family from unfair parental alienation and LOSS OF A CHILD.

"We Also" is motivated by the survivors, that have endured cruel family hardship from being a targeted parent or family unfairly stripped of their parental, legal, and civil rights..
"We Also" helps direct our members to resources for both the targeted parent or family and the abused child during family separation.
"We Also" facilitates connections as we build a movement through the empowerment of joining a community of advocates.
"We Also" does not ignore a healthy parent or family’s desire to share their story of being victimized from child loss due to targeted alienation.
"We Also" highlights and bring thought to our court system outcomes of wrongful judgments and biased opinions.
"We Also" advocates for the unfairly targeted parent or family to help facilitate their relationship and connection from their alienated children.
"We Also" petitions against the misapplication of restraining/protection/ orders and the grievous imbalance of immoral custody opinion and regulations.
"We Also" is the crusader for the AUGUST TIDAL WAVE a rally designated to increase awareness and change unfair parenting wage and gender discrimination.
"We Also" makes change through our AUGUST TIDAL WAVE events and the "We Also" EDUCATION PROGRAM.

The unhealthy and deliberate calculation of parental targeted alienation takes children away from the family and specifically the targeted parent during separation. CHILD ABUSE is committed when an unstable parent acts irrationally by targeting the other parent away from the child. Often that parent commits premeditated child abuse by depriving the aimed parent connection with the child. Depriving a child to continue their relationship with a targeted parent is devastating to the child.
A targeted parent and child are forced into separation, routinely leading to isolation from each other. They have their rights stolen.
"We Also" wants to avoid the disruptive dismantling of families and loss of a child as we fight to preserve the mental well being that destroys children of divorce. Many times a parent forces children of divorce into the middle of anarchy. Children become tools of hatred by a vengeful spouse. The affluent wage earner or whistleblower during the divorce becomes the targeted parent. This family feud turns into a nightmare for loved ones. When the legal process begins the business of corrupt lawyers encourage, capitalize, and promotes a dysfunctional family split for gains. "We Also" calls attention to these all too common unjust, discriminatory laws or “opinions” usually placed on the primary wage earner.
Frequently, divorce becomes about money and financial retaliation games as children become pawns in high conflict uncoupling.
This regular tactic hurts children and is a form of child abuse. It also begins one-sided parental CULT mentality.
Divorce can be an ugly advertisement for all those involved.